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Josh Chesler

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If you know what you're doing, Vegas can be a really good place for a random fling. If you don't know what you're doing, Vegas can be a really bad place where you waste a ton of money trying to make a random fling happen.

There are no promises once you hit the Strip, but here are 10 dos and don'ts to help you on your way to Vegas hookup success.

10. Don't go out by yourself. No matter where you are, going out in a small group (three to five people, for the most part) is an easier way to socialize and meet new people than going out by yourself. Vegas is no different. If anything, Vegas is a tougher place to meet people when you're by yourself because everyone else is in a group. We're not saying it's impossible, but it'll definitely be easier if you bring friends.

9. Do keep your options open. Just because you've had a type in the past doesn't mean you should stick to that when you go to Vegas. You're going to meet a lot of people from a lot of different places and backgrounds, so there's really no excuse not to explore a little. By sticking to the type of person who can easily be found in your hometown, not only are you lowering your chances, but you're also taking out a lot of the fun of Vegas.

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8. Don't get too drunk too early. It's tempting to drink from the time you wake up until the time you pass out when you're in Vegas, but that's not exactly conducive to catching the best-looking fish while you're there. By all means, go get hammered at a pool party (more on that later), but maybe give yourself a little time in the evening to recover before going out. Otherwise, you'll be the one who's down for the count by 10 p.m., missing all of the prime late-night hookup time.

7. Do take advantage of daytime activities. Unlike much of America, Vegas is a great place to meet potential hookups during the day. Whether it's at a pool party, in a casino, or at one of the hundreds of other attractions/events going on during the daytime on any given weekend, the meat market of the Vegas Strip is open. By relegating yourself to only find someone to share a hotel bed with after the sun goes down, you're losing out on roughly half of the time you could be meeting the available population.

6. Don't stick to one place. Sure, everyone has their favorite pools, bars, and clubs in Vegas, but if all you do is go to the same ones, you're going to meet the same people. If you've had great success meeting flings at those few places, stay there (obviously). If not, try somewhere new. You don't keep going to the same restaurants if the menu sucks every time, do you?

5. Do say yes to any opportunities. Sometimes, you're going to run into a situation in Vegas where you might be a little (or a lot) uncomfortable. We're not saying you should disregard your moral compass, but you should definitely be down to go a little outside of your bubble while you're there. This isn't just for hooking up, but for Vegas in general. You really haven't done Vegas until you've followed a group of Vietnamese high-rollers to their millionaire villa or go swimming with a stripper at 4 a.m., and neither of those are in just about anyone's comfort zones.

4. Don't go to a strip club. Speaking of strippers, their places of employment are probably the worst places in Vegas to pick someone up. Save your cash and go talk to someone who isn't being paid to be nice to you. It's that simple.

3. Do be prepared for whatever may happen after the bars empty out. Anywhere that has bars has pretty much the same scene around closing time. There are hundreds (or thousands) of people pouring out of packed doorways, stumbling into the streets, and looking for either love, friendship, food, or a fight. Vegas isn't much different, but it's all on a bigger scale. In Vegas, if you're the one who's hosting or looking for a place to have an after-party (sexual or not), there's a good chance you'll find one.

2. Don't think getting a table will be enough. At clubs in most places, getting bottle service is enough to get the attention of people who might be looking to hook up. In Vegas, you can buy just about anything you want, but you may have to work a little bit harder to impress those whom you're looking to sleep with. The biggest VIP suite in the world won't be enough to get you laid on its own, so make sure you bring a little of your game with you as well.

Hookup Bars Las Vegas

1. Do have a roommate contingency plan. No one wants to be the roommate who gets sexiled in Vegas, and no one wants to have a one-night stand with another person in the room. We're not saying everyone needs to get their own rooms (unless you're all that sure that you'll be bringing people back), but going into the trip with an understanding of who sleeps where in the event that a room becomes single occupancy is a highly underrated move.

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Vegas is called Sin City for a reason. People come to Las Vegas to drink, party, gamble, and, of course, hook up.

People from every age and gender flock to Sin City for the promise of boozy, consequence-free hookups. The chase and the mating grounds are different for everyone. Your Las Vegas hookup likely falls in one of the categories below.

The 20-Something Hookup

For as long as we can remember, 20-somethings have used nightclubs as a hunting ground for hookups. In Vegas, the game is stepped up with shortest of skirts, highest of heels, longest of hair extensions, and most liberal application of makeup. Add bottle service, and you have an instant recipe for a hookup. Whether you’re going to Light, Hyde, or Drai’s, there are plenty of spots to look for your lucky lady or guy.

Hookup Clubs Las Vegas Nevada Shows

During the summer, Vegas is notorious for the hookups at its dayclubs. The sun takes it toll while you’re drinking at the pool party, and all clothes are practically off already. Going straight from the pool to the hotel room is common. Daylight, Encore Beach Club, Palms Pool & Dayclub, and Rehab at Hard Rock & Casino are favorites of both the wearers and admirers of teeny bikinis.

The Expensive Hookup

For most guys, a hookup in Vegas is an expensive proposition. Unlike the ladies, they have to pay cover for clubs, and bottle service is a must to lure girls in too-high heels to come sit. Conveniently, bottle service happens to provide enough liquor to facilitate a hookup.

The Shooting-Fish-In-A-Barrel Hookup

For women, the Las Vegas hookup is neither hard, nor expensive. Sure, they sex up their hair and makeup, but that’s more for their Instagram followers than anyone. Guys come to Vegas to hookup. It’s that simple. A woman only has to enter a club for the advances to start, and, often, it’s free for her to do so.

If every man in Vegas seems to be on the prowl, how do you stay out of the hunt? If you and your married girlfriends are coming to Vegas to have fun together—not to be hit on by sleazy, drunken guys—it can be tough. For starters, you should wear your ring if you want to ward off potential suitors. Of course, not all will be deterred.

Whether you are secretly enjoying the attention or trying to be overly polite, don’t lead the guy on. Be very clear that you are taken, and that you are not looking for a hookup. Do not do anything to encourage the attention.

The Mid-Life Hookup

Married cheaters love three things in life: Ashley Madison, the Cheesecake Factory, and Vegas. An actual study revealed that the Cheesecake Factory is the most frequented restaurant of married cheaters, because it enables them to hide in the open and write their companion of as a work colleague, which they couldn’t do in a more romantic restaurant. No study is needed to know that married cheaters love Vegas, whether they come a few times a year with the boys, or they come for conventions. When you start to feel like the oldest guy at the party, casino lounges can provide just as much action as the hottest nightclub in town.

The Tinder Hookup

Surrender Las Vegas

Thanks to Tinder, people can easily hook up anywhere. In Vegas, Tinder-facilitated hookups are common, but there are a few words of caution.

In an article for Thought Catalog, Susan Jacobs recommend that guys take a closer look at a girl’s profile if she is wearing a bikini, “…read her profile. It may list her hourly price.” Reddit users recommend staying away from anyone with a local profile—they are over the only-in-town-for-one-night hookup. They also warn that competition is stiff. To avoid the competition, weeknights can be easier. On the weekends, many good-looking L.A. actors and actresses—even if many are “aspiring”—descend on Vegas for a weekend trip.

There is still hope for romantics, even in Sin City. Not everything is a drunken hookup. You can fall in love quickly, if you make a connection and do something romantic, like taking a gondola ride at the Venetian or going to the top of the Eiffel Tower at Paris.

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When you do fall in love, you can return to Vegas as a romantic getaway, as many couples do. Nothing is more romantic than celebrating an anniversary getting couples massages at The Qua Spa at Caesar’s Palace, seeing Cirque du Soleil’s Le Rêve, and clinking champagne glasses at The Top of the World restaurant, overlooking the lights of the entire Las Vegas Valley.

Hookup Clubs Las Vegas Nevada


Hookup Clubs Las Vegas Nevada Rv Parks

No matter what your style of lust or love, Vegas has an adventure in store for everyone!