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Fort Mill is a fast-growing town in both York and Lancaster counties in the U.S. state of South Carolina, and a suburb of the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, and Rock Hill, South Carolina. Approximately 9,400 people live inside the town's corporate limits with a total of 34,968 people residing within the entire Urban area. In the 2010 census, the population for the municipality of Fort Mill had a population of 10,811. Fort Mill township is home to notable businesses such as Continental Tire the Americas, LLC., Muzak, Springs Industries, The Inspiration Network (INSP), URS Corporation's Nuclear Center, and serves as the headquarters of Carolina Crown Drum and Bugle Corps.
The town of Fort Mill was established in 1873. It takes its name from a colonial-era fort built by the British and a grist mill on nearby Steele Creek. The Catawba Indians made their home in Fort Mill for many years. Scot-Irish settlers began arriving in the 1750s and 1760s and a small settlement soon developed. Fort Mill grew rapidly in the late 19th century as textile mills were established.
Highlights in Fort Mill's history include: